Friday, November 25, 2005

I am grateful . . .

Yesterday was Thanksgiving, a true feast day. Cousins visiting. Intense cooking. Hubby handled the deep fried turkey and grilled salmon. I provided roasted root vegetables, Delicata squash with cranberries, Mom's (and Grandma's) oyster stuffing (with variations), pears poached in port. We also enjoyed an organic French Camembert, Cypress Grove Chevre Pyramid, French Agour, and Spanish Manchego. And Califonia wine . . . red Zin and a Chardonnay. Mmmmmm.

Today has been a leisure day of snuggling with the kids, reading and general laziness. A person needs that now and then.

I also have been reflecting today on what I am grateful for . . . my family--husband, children, and hounds, a sense of curiousity and wonder, my health, challenging work. Simply put, life is good. I am richly blessed.

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