Thursday, January 03, 2008

California . . . Stormin'

We're expecting a big storm here in Northern California. By tomorrow, we should be in the throes of receiving up to six inches of rain with gale force winds up to 55 m.p.h.

What I've noticed so far today is much more wind than usual and planes flying lower. What I've noticed on the blogosphere is near panic about the coming storm. I'm wondering whether I should be worried but opting not to be right now.

I'm a child of the Midwest, growing up with ice storms, power outages, blizzards, and tornadoes. I lived in NYC during a major hurricane and walked up Third Avenue in the wind and rain. Time in the Windy City saw driving rain, snow, ice, and umbrellas masquerading as projectiles in the howling wind. Rochester, NY showed me more snow than I'd imagined possible and more than one night camped out in a hotel as our house was without power.

I don't want to take the impending Northern California weather lightly. Gale force winds and the risk of flooding are serious, period. Still, I feel a bit like I've been there, done (and survived) that. We have a good supply of food (and wine) on hand, both for us and for the dogs (okay, no wine for the hounds). We have an emergency radio. I can't do much about the walls of glass in the house. We'll snuggle in tonight and deal with tomorrow's weather as it comes.

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